Sunday, June 29, 2008

Euro 08, Cheer's Cup

why Portuguese should be given Cheer's Cup- if any-?
" I'm hardly able to make a living, big family, lots of expenses, and yet soaring gas prices. all these are deterrents when you think of buying some flags to show support for your teem". Says H. Ramos, a Canadian with Portuguese roots,. He said that if he will choose between buying gas to drive to work, or buying a Portuguese flag, he would walk to work, holding the flag, rather driving with no flag.

this is what it takes to be another champion. champions are not only these people who are scoring and kicking. champions are also who stand behind the winners.

Euro08, early faded

with only few hours remaining, millions around the world are waiting the final whistle which will determine who takes the Euro cup home today, Germany or Spain.

Today's final is another peak of a lovely struggle in which elite soccer teams from around the world participated in Vienna. People say, soccer games are never granted, they are exactly round, like the the ball itself. Players may kick hard with a fair play. But results are not necessarily fair and square.

Soccer fans have been watching the games since it kicked-off several weeks ago. although the games are held in Vienna, thousands miles away, but I could feel the heat her in Toronto. not only you can feel the heat of the games and the cheers of the fans, but also you can see the colors of games.

yes, Euro 2008 was in full colors right here in Toronto. One can see the colors as cars move across the roads and highways carrying different flags, fluttering, trying to tell you, I'm the winner.

Portuguese flags were the most dominant flags between other flags of participants. maybe because the number of Canadian-Portuguese are fairly higher than others here in Toronto. In fact this was a good credit to Euro 08 her in Canada. After the Portuguese teem lost and went out, you couldn't see these flags anymore. The Joy Parade just simply faded away.

this in fact gave an idea. Should we think of a special cup for the best fans?.If we should, then Portuguese fans should be the winner, no matter who would take the Euro cup home today.

Monday, June 16, 2008

creating awareness

Hobeema story has manged to raise the desired awareness among those who don't have the chance of seeing the bottom of real life. when we mention real life, not many people have the privilege or the chance of seeing what is really hearts, or what really shocks.

I've read all little about reserves, and how things go there. Little was never enough to put in front of a tragic, pare and yet sad reality like this. In An oil reach province, the least you expect is proper roads, nice gardens, and luxury houses. instead what has struck me this poor, filthy, and insecure places overwhelmed with crime,drugs and agony.
awareness about a huge challenges was raised in this story. it also raised awareness about the necessity of a quick action to mend what is left from an oil reach " ghost city" or reserve.

what worked well

you can show the difference with contrast. the story gave us simple facts from people on the ext rems. Characters were chosen fairly well. Locations are pure and perfect.also the way Mark Kelly managed to run his interviews and his slick comments which came exactly as " think bubbles",
served as true plate form for a firm story. A story you feel after watching as if you've been running hard, racing with yourself to save somebody, but when you reach, you discover he didn't make it.

what didn't work well.

although he was looking for " hope", there is no indication on any. even with lots of tips about gang members who poured in lately on the RCMP. it is a hopeless case, unless higher authorities do something real, and sharp.


good veniets, nice scenes
empty vans means hopeless
burnt houses hopeless
we saw graffiti but we didn't see how they started erasing them and this is what really didn't work in the story, at least he should not have left before shooting some clean walls and houses without graffiti

Monday, June 9, 2008

hello all
all the best